Kenneth Webb RUA

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Kenneth Webb RUA

Kenneth Webb was born into a creative family in London and was educated at the College of Art Gloucester and Cheltenham. He first came to Galway over 50 years ago and has been exhibiting artwork since. Kenneth has a deep connection with colour in his paintings, applying it in experimental manners dependent on subject. In his own words, ‘Whenever I am taken by a theme, I seem to have to start all over and invent my own pictorial structure’.

For Webb as an artist, he requires a connection with his subject in order to create a specific atmosphere. John O’Donohue said, ‘Though his paintings are intense icons, you never have the feeling that form or content are forced or contrived. He has managed to penetrate to some deeper level from which the painting is able to assert the dream of its own shaping. He says paintings have always come to him. His work does have that tone of lyrical necessity; they had to come.’

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